What kind of animal is a markhor? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This animal is unique because it has very special horns that can only be found in the Middle East. Unfortunately, it is one of the animals that needs protection as it is designated as an endangered species.
What is markhor? About basic status
The markhor is an artiodactyl animal that belongs to the family Bovidae and belongs to the genus Caprine. The scientific name is Capra falconeri. The body length is 130-180cm and the weight is 50-110kg. There is a difference between males and females, with males being larger. Tail length 8-14cm, shoulder height 65-105cm.
Japanese(和名) | マーコール |
English(英名) | Markhor |
scientific name(学名) | Capra falconeri |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、 Artiodactyla、Bovidae、Capra 哺乳綱、ウシ目、ウシ科、ヤギ属 |
Length(体長) | 130-180cm |
Weight(体重) | 50-110kg |
About classification
Markhor has the following subspecies: They live in groups and move around in mountainous areas. It is characterized by large horns. It is distributed mainly in the Middle East. It has the largest body size among wild goats and is considered to be one of the ancestors of domestic goats.
Name 名前 | Scientific Name 学名 |
Astor markhor | Capra falconeri |
Bukharan markhor | Capra falconeri heptneri |
Kabul markhor | Capra falconeri megaceros |
Kashmir markhor | Capra falconeri cashmiriensis |
Sulaiman markhor | Capra falconeri jerdoni |
Capra falconeri
It is called Aster Markhor or Flarehorn Markhor. It is found in Kashmir and Pakistan and is listed as a near-threatened species.
Capra falconeri heptneri
It is called Bukhara Markor or Tajik Markor. This species lives in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, and is also designated as a near-threatened species.
Capra falconeri megaceros
It is called Kabul Markhor. This species is distributed in Afghanistan and Pakistan and is also listed as near-threatened.
Capra falconeri cashmiriensis
It is called Kashmiri Markhor, Pir Panjal Markhor, or Flarehorn Markhor. This species is distributed in India and Pakistan and is also designated as a near-threatened species.
Capra falconeri jerdoni
It is called Sulaiman Markhor. The horns are straight and the ridges go around the horns three times, and this species is also designated as a near-threatened species.
Where is the habitat?
Markhor is distributed in Afghanistan, Iran, India, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Markhors are covered with dark fur and have very distinctive horns. The horns are twisted in a spiral, and the number of rotations varies depending on the subspecies. The length between the tips of the corners tends to be longer than the straight distance between the corners. Markhors are adapted to mountainous terrain and live in areas between 600 and 3,600 meters above sea level. They are diurnal and are mainly active in the early morning and evening.
What does the ecology look like?
Markhor eats grass. Breeding occurs in the winter, when males fight each other to capture females by lunging at each other, grabbing their horns, and trying to throw them off balance. She has a gestation period of 135 to 170 days and can give birth to one or two calves. Their lifespan in the wild is about 11 to 13 years.
Are there any natural enemies?
The Eurasian lynx, snow leopard, Himalayan wolf, and brown bear are the main predators of the markhor. They may also be preyed upon by eagles and other animals. Markhors have sharp eyesight and a strong sense of smell to detect nearby predators, so they can detect them in advance and flee.

Are markhors an endangered species?
Unfortunately, the markhor is designated as an endangered species, and its population is decreasing dramatically due to the following reasons. The estimated population in 2013 was approximately 5,800.
hunting meat
Hunting for meat and horns stands out as the most important factor threatening the survival of markhor populations. As a result, isolated populations tend to become extinct. However, due to the following factors, the number of illegal cross-border hunters appears to be drastically decreasing.
Measures taken by the Pakistani government
Measures are also being taken to combat these illegal hunting practices. In order to preserve this species, Pakistan has banned hunting. Two reservations were established in Tajikistan in 1973 to protect the markhor. In India, markhors are fully protected under the Jammu and Kashmir Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1978.
Can markhors be kept?
The markhor is designated as an endangered species. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to keep them.