What kind of animal is a panda (giant panda)? Explanation of characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is a panda (giant panda)? We will introduce and explain information about the characteristics, ecology, habitat, and individual protection. Although pandas are used as a tool for Chinese diplomacy, they are actually classified as an endangered species and are extremely dangerous. In this article, we will explain what kind of pandas there are.

What is a panda (giant panda)? About basic status

Pandas are animals that belong to the mammalian order Felina (carnivora). Pandas consist of red pandas and giant pandas. The scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca. The body length is 120-150cm and the weight is 100kg. For red pandas, please refer to the article below.

scientific name(学名)Ailuropoda melanoleuca
classification(分類)Mammalia、 Carnivora、Ursidae、Ailuropoda
Length(体長)120 – 150cm

About classification

The genus giant panda consists of one and no other. There used to be a family called Pandaidae, but it has been abolished in recent years.

About the giant panda’s habitat

Giant pandas have no natural enemies. For that reason, they tend to live at their own pace. Humans are their biggest threat, and even in history, they are used as a diplomatic tool by the Beijing government. Their adorable black and white appearance is being used for political purposes.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Giant pandas have a distinct black and white body color, short limbs with five fingers each, and longer claws on their front limbs than their hind limbs. Their fur is thick and bushy, and the fur also grows on the soles of their feet, which helps protect them from the cold. Pandas tend to be active both day and night, but they live in mountainous areas with bamboo forests. They generally live alone and do not form groups or families. Unlike other bears, they do not hibernate. Male pandas are stocky and have large hands, making them look stronger than their peers.

What is your personality like?

Giant pandas are gentle and go at their own pace. They do not compete with other animals for food.

What is the ecology of giant pandas?

Giant pandas generally eat fruits, insects, young bamboo and bamboo shoots, spending nearly half the day eating and eating about 10kg of bamboo. The breeding season is from March to May. The gestation period is 50 days, and females can give birth to 2-3 pups at a time. The baby’s eyes open about 3 weeks after birth, and it grows by being fed and nourished every day, becoming independent in about 1.5 to 2 years. Its lifespan is said to be about 30 years.

What is the giant panda’s natural enemy?

Giant pandas have no natural enemies. For that reason, they tend to live at their own pace. Humans are their biggest threat, and historically, they are being used as a diplomatic tool in “panda diplomacy” planned by the Beijing government. Their adorable black and white appearance is being used for political purposes. In Japan, they can be found at Ueno Zoo.

Are giant pandas an endangered species?

Giant pandas are designated as an endangered species and are listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The population of pandas continues to decline due to the following reasons. The estimated population is said to be only about 1,600. The amount of food given to them each day is large, and newborn pandas eat all the leaves and bamboo on the mountains and roads, so care must be taken.

Habitat loss and destruction

Environmental destruction is a problem in China. Furthermore, land development in East Asia has been rapid since the 2010s, and the number of places where pandas can live is rapidly decreasing due to agriculture, development, and deforestation. Many sanctuaries have been established and panda research and breeding programs are underway.

Can giant pandas be bred?

Giant pandas are an endangered species and are also listed in Appendix I of the Washington Convention, so international trade is strictly restricted and breeding is extremely difficult.


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