What kind of bird is the African tawny eagle? Learn about its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Known for preying on other birds of prey and eating carrion, this eagle is high on the food chain, but it is actually an endangered species.
What is the African Tawny Eagle? Basic Stats
The African steppe eagle is a bird classified in the order Accipitridae, family Accipitridae, genus Aquila. The steppe eagle is also the national bird of Egypt. Its scientific name is Aquila nipalensis, its English name is Steppe eagle, and its Japanese name is Grassland Eagle. Its total length is 52-60cm, its weight is 1.6-2.4kg, and its wingspan is 165-185cm. The list of information is as follows.
Japanese(和名) | アフリカソウゲンワシ |
English(英名) | Steppe eagle |
scientific name(学名) | Aquila nipalensis |
classification(分類) | Aves、 Falconiformes、 Accipitridae、Aquila 鳥綱、タカ目、タカ科、イヌワシ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | ENDANGERED |
Length(体長) | 52~60cm |
Weight(体重) | 1.6~2.4kg |
The African steppe eagle is found in East and South Africa, as well as the Arabian Peninsula and India.
What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?
Its feathers come in a variety of colors, including brown, dark brown, brownish brown, yellowish brown, and reddish brown. The mouth and nose are yellow, and the tip of the beak is black. The legs are the same brown as the body, with orange toes. African steppe eagles often live in forests, savannas, and dry areas.
What is its ecology?
Steppe eagles eat small mammals and reptiles, as well as birds and carrion, but they don’t like hunting very much. They are scavengers that eat carrion, and can often be seen flocking around carrion. They are oviparous, laying 1-4 eggs between spring and summer. They stay with a partner for the rest of their lives. Their lifespan is said to be about 10 years.
Do they have any natural enemies?
African steppe eagles have no significant natural enemies.

Is the African tawny eagle an endangered species?
Unfortunately, the African tawny eagle is designated as an endangered species. It is also listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which restricts international trade. Intentional poisoning of animals by poachers has become a problem, and more and more people are mixing poison into carrion, which causes the eagle to die. As a result, the population of eagles and hawks has rapidly decreased, especially in Africa.
Can you keep an African tawny eagle as a pet?
The African tawny eagle is designated as an endangered species, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to keep it as a pet. Visit a zoo or similar facility and have someone show you around. It is safe to just look at it. There are many photos of the species on the Internet.