What kind of bird is a black-headed gull? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is a migratory bird that migrates to Japan, Africa, India, southern China, the Indochina Peninsula, and can also be seen in North America and Europe. We will explain in detail.
What is Black-headed Gull? Basic Stats
The Black-headed Gull is a bird that belongs to the order Charadriiformes and family Laridae. Its English name is Black-headed Gull, and its scientific name is Chroicocephalus ridibundus. Its total length is 35-45cm, and its weight is 250-400g. Its wingspan is 90-110cm. The list of information is as follows:
Japanese(和名) | ユリカモメ |
English(英名) | Black-headed Gull |
scientific name(学名) | Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
classification(分類) | Aves、 Charadriiformes、 Laridae、Chroicocephalus 鳥綱、チドリ目、カモメ科、カモメ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 35~45cm |
Weight(体重) | 250~400g |
Black-headed gulls breed in the UK and Ireland in Europe, and migrate to Japan, India, North America and other countries in winter.
What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?
Black-headed gulls have red legs and beaks, and their summer plumage has a dark brown head. In winter plumage, their heads are white, and there is a black spot behind the eye. The tails of adults are white, but young birds have a black stripe on their tails. This small seagull is commonly seen on coasts, rivers, and swamps, and it loves waterside areas. It breeds in northern Eurasia, and migrates to Japan, Africa, and India in winter. It stays near feeding grounds during the day, and often spends the night on the sea or in lakes.
What is its ecology?
Black-headed gulls mainly eat fish and crustaceans, but sometimes eat insects. Black-headed gulls live in relatively large flocks in rivers. They breed by laying eggs. They are said to live for about 30 years.
Do they have any natural enemies?
Birds of prey such as peregrine falcons are considered natural enemies of black-headed gulls.

Are black-headed gulls an endangered species?
Black-headed gulls are classified as least concern and are not an endangered species. They are kept in zoos and other places and events are held, so follow the guide and take part in them.
Can black-headed gulls be kept as pets?
Black-headed gulls are managed by the Ministry of the Environment under the Wildlife Protection and Management Act and feeding them is prohibited.