What kind of animal is the black rhino? Explaining its characteristics, ecology, and habitat


What kind of animal is the black rhino? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. The black rhino is a type of rhino that can be seen quite widely in Africa, from Kenya to Tanzania and Zambia. Although it has a very large body, it is actually an endangered species.

What is a Black Rhino? Basic Stats

Black rhinoceros are mammals of the order Perissodactyla and family Rhinocerosidae. Their English name is Black rhinoceros, and their scientific name is Diceros bicornis. They are 2.5-3.5m long, with a tail length of 60-70cm and weighing 800-1,400kg. Most of them live in Africa and South Asia. They are large animals and are currently active in Africa. They are a very common animal and appear in animal horoscopes and illustrations, and are said to be a lucky animal. They are also introduced in the following article.

English(英名)Black rhinoceros
scientific name(学名)Diceros bicornis
classification(分類)Mammalia、 Perissodactyla、Rhinocerotidae

Rhino habitat

Black rhinos are found in the eastern and southern parts of the African continent (Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, etc.).

What are their characteristics? What kind of creature are they?

Rhinos have large, pointed horns and are covered with thick, hard skin like armor. They have no hair on their bodies, but have a small amount of hair at the end of their short tails. Their body color ranges from gray to brown, and they often play in the mud. Rhinos have two thick horns on their heads that continue to grow throughout their lives, with the front horns usually reaching 40 to 50 cm in length. They usually live alone and live in savannas, forests, grasslands, brush, and wetlands.

What is their personality like?

Rhinos have ferocious personalities. Black rhinos have a strong sense of territory and will sometimes charge at intruders without discrimination. Once they start to run wild, they tend to become uncontrollable. Nowadays, it is common to see them living alone or in groups in the wild, but their numbers are decreasing.

What is the ecology of rhinos?

Rhinos are herbivores and live by eating grass, leaves, fruits, etc. They breed all year round, are polygamous, and the breeding season varies depending on the location, with a gestation period of one year. The lactation period is 18 months, and females can give birth to one cub at a time. Females reach sexual maturity at 5-7 years, and males at 7-8 years, and they are said to live for about 45-50 years.

Do rhinos have any natural enemies?

Rhinos are powerful animals, so they have no natural enemies. However, small or sickly rhinos are targeted by predators such as lions and leopards. Rhinos can run away at a speed of about 45km/h, so they are not easy to catch.

Are rhinos endangered?

As explained above, they are designated as endangered. They are also listed in the Washington Convention and trade is classified and strictly restricted. The reasons for this are as follows. They are in a critical situation.

Illegal hunting

Although rhinos are protected internationally, illegal hunting for their horns continues in Asia and Africa. This has prevented the population from recovering at all. Rhino horns are traded at higher prices than cocaine, heroin, and gold, making a profit. Rhinos are often eaten by poachers, and their movements are monitored by poachers. For these reasons, young males and females are particularly vulnerable to targeting.

Habitat destruction

Habitat destruction is also a problem. Rapid land development is progressing especially in Southeast Asia, making the environment very harsh. They are now protected in limited zoos and national parks. Events for conservation are also held around the world.

Can rhinos be kept as pets?

Rhinos are large animals, and there are many restrictions as they are designated as endangered, so they are not very suitable for keeping. They need protection more than other animals, so immediate action is needed. It is safe to see the actual rhinos on site.


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