What kind of animal is the brown bear that lives in America, Europe, Hokkaido, etc.? We will introduce and explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Brown bears are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and live in a variety of natural environments. However, because they are larger than humans, they may attack humans, so you need to be careful.
What is a brown bear? About basic status
Brown bears are mammals that belong to the bear family. I feel like it’s a brown fox, a scarlet bear, or a hikuma. In English, it is also called grizzly bear. The scientific name is Ursus arctos. They are 2-3 meters long and weigh 100-300 kg, making them larger carnivores than humans. The information is listed below.
Japanese(和名) | ヒグマ |
English(英名) | Brown bear、Grizzly bear |
scientific name(学名) | Ursus arctos |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、 Carnivora、 Ursidae、Ursus 哺乳綱、食肉目、クマ科、クマ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 2-3m |
Weight(体重) | 100-300kg |
About classification
There are several subspecies of the species, so check them out when you have time. They are also being studied in some areas. They are not found in some areas because they are extinct.
名前 | Name | Scientific Name (学名) |
ハイイログマ(灰色熊) | Grizzly bear | Ursus arctos horribilis |
コディアックヒグマ | Kodiak bear | Ursus arctos middendorffi |
エゾヒグマ(蝦夷羆) | Ezo brown bear | Ursus arctos yesoensis |
ヒマラヤヒグマ | Himalayan brown bear | Ursus arctos isabellinus |
メキシコハイイログマ | Mexican grizzly | Ursus arctos nelsoni |
カリフォルニアハイイログマ | California golden bear | Ursus arctos californicus |
カムチャッカオオヒグマ | Bergman’s Bear | Ursus arctos piscator |
マルシカヒグマ | Marsican brown bear | Ursus arctos arctos |
Ursus arctos horribilis
Grizzly bears are also known as American brown bears. The largest specimens are said to weigh more than 450 kilograms, and are so large that they can chase prey at speeds of 48 km/h, which is quite astonishing. The subspecies as a whole is classified as “endangered” in the United States and “of special concern” in Canada.
Ursus arctos middendorffi
The Kodiak brown bear is also known as the Alaskan brown bear. Females weigh between 180 and 315 kg, and males between 270 and 635 kg. It is an extremely large bear, reaching a height of 3 meters when the male stands on his hind legs. The population in 2005 was 3,526, and the estimated population is increasing.
Ursus arctos yesoensis
Ezo brown bears are distributed in the forests and fields of Hokkaido. It is large, reaching 2-3 meters in length. They are good at being independent and are active day and night. Ezo brown bears are being exterminated and are now designated as an endangered species.
Ursus arctos isabellinus
The Himalayan brown bear, also known as the Himalayan red bear or Isabeline bear, is a subspecies of brown bear that lives in the western Himalayas. It is the largest mammal in this region. Males are 1.5 to 2.2 meters long and brown in color. It is also listed in the Washington Convention.
Ursus arctos nelsoni
The Mexican grizzly bear is a subspecies that lived from Mexico to the United States, but is now confirmed to be extinct. The Mexican grizzly bear was thoroughly exterminated as a pest.
Ursus arctos californicus
The California grizzly bear is a bear that lived in California. The body color was brown, the body length ranged from 1.8m to 3m, and the weight ranged from 130kg to 680kg. However, it became extinct due to hunting for its fur.
Ursus arctos piscator
The Kamchatka brown bear lived on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. However, in 1920, complete extinction was confirmed.
Ursus arctos arctos
The Marsican brown bear is also known as the Apennine brown bear, or in Italian, Orso Bruno Marsicano. It is a European brown bear and is protected in Italy’s Abruzzo National Park, Lazio Emolise. This bear is designated as an endangered species.
Where is its habitat?
Brown bears are found mainly in the Americas, but are also distributed in Japan (Honshu) and Europe.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Brown bears have a sturdy and sturdy physique, and are characterized by being larger than humans. There are differences in the color of the body hair depending on the population. They also tend to be solitary, preferring to live in forest areas.
What is your personality like?
Brown bears usually avoid people. Most of them are very cautious and tend to avoid people, but if they happen to encounter a human and provoke them, they become excited and often attack. They don’t like winter, so they tend to rest there.
What is the ecology like?
Brown bears are omnivorous. In the wild, they eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, nuts, acorns, plants, and even insects and fish. Depending on the time of year and location, they may cause damage to large agricultural crops in order to obtain nutrients. In winter, they hibernate in their dens. Brown bears reach sexual maturity at around 3 to 5 years of age and become able to breed. The breeding season is from May to July. Their lifespan is around 20 to 30 years.
Are there any natural enemies?
Brown bears are the largest bears on land and have no rivals. If I had to guess, it would be human. In the past, there was a history of people shooting at brown bears.

Are brown bears an endangered species?
Statistics show that the European brown bear, which is a subspecies of the brown bear, has decreased dramatically and is now an endangered species. Among them, the Marsica brown bear that we introduced is on the verge of extinction and can only be seen in a few areas of Italy. They also cause damage to areas where people live, so they have been exterminated as wild animals in the past. There are also fewer industries and volunteers to support.
Can brown bears be bred?
Unless you are an experienced zookeeper, you cannot keep them as pets. They can attack and eat people, so it is very dangerous. If you come across one in the wild, the best thing to do is not to provoke it. If you want to see one, we recommend going to a zoo or other tourist spot and viewing the facility, where there will be guided tours. In recent years, due to changes in the environment, the Ministry of the Environment and organizations in Japan are also working to protect them.