Explanation of the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of polar bears Bears you can see at the zoo


We will explain the latest information on the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of polar bears. Polar bears, known internationally as white bears, live in the northern regions of Japan. They are found in northern North America and northern Eurasia, and are animals that have adapted to the coldest climates. They are also very popular at zoos, so many people know about them.

What is a polar bear? About basic status

Polar bears are carnivores classified in the Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae, and Ursidae genus. Their scientific name is Ursus maritimus. They are huge animals, with a body length of 200-250cm and a maximum weight of 800kg, making them bigger than humans. They are born in an icy world, and males are bigger than females. Please refer to the list below. Also known as white bears, they have different food compared to other bears and are more resistant to the cold.

English(英名)Polar bear
scientific name(学名)Ursus maritimus
classification(分類)Mammalia、 Carnivora、Ursidae、Ursus
Length(体長)200 – 250cm
Weight(体重)340 – 800kg

About classification

Carl Linnaeus classified the polar bear as a type of brown bear, and in the 1758 edition of his book The System of Nature he classified the polar bear as his Ursus maritimus albus-major, articus. There is a strong theory that polar bears are a different species, as they live further north than brown bears, in the Arctic Circle and the Drift Ice Circle.

About polar bear habitat

Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle. They are very resistant to the cold. They can also be seen in North America. They live in Greenland, Iceland, Hudson Bay and James Bay in Canada, and even Newfoundland Island, so their range is very wide. They can be seen with walruses in the Arctic. They also hibernate in winter.

feature is? What kind of creature is it?

Polar bears are characterized by their ice-like fur and feet, which are mainly pure white. Not only their fur color, but also their physical appearance is different from other bears, with a long body, narrow shoulders, and short, round ears. Their fur is made up of 5cm of underfur and 15cm of topfur, and they have five fingers on each of their four limbs. They live alone near the coast, and when they have time in the snow, they travel over a wide area in search of prey. They can also swim, and their dens can be found in hollow spaces.

What will your personality look like?

Research has revealed that polar bears are ferocious and aggressive, and often attack people. There have been reports and news of adult men dying not only in the harsh Arctic Ocean sea ice and on the ice, but also in Russia, North America, and Alaska. Polar bears are larger than humans and are very sturdy. As temperatures are warming, they have adapted to being seen in areas where humans live. They are good swimmers, and their white bodies make them look large, making them look very large and scary.

What is the ecology of polar bears?

Polar bears are highly carnivorous, living off seals and fish. Depending on the time of year, they will use their large bodies to swim through the icy ocean in search of food. The breeding season is from March to June, and the mother’s pregnancy period is 195 to 265 days. Females can give birth to 1-4 pups at a time. Raising the young is usually completed quickly, and most of the cubs grow and become sexually mature in 5-6 years, becoming able to hunt. Their lifespan is 30-35 years.

What are polar bears’ natural enemies?

Polar bears are predators and use their excellent sense of smell to find prey. As they are the top predators, they have no enemies, but their natural enemy is humans. However, in the sea they have their strongest enemy, the killer whale, so they often get eaten. In recent years, the number of people hunting for their fur has increased, making it difficult for them to live in peace. Currently, polar bears, especially cubs, are being hunted in large numbers, and they are listed on the Red List.

Are polar bears an endangered species?

Polar bears are listed as an endangered species. The estimated population is said to be 22,000 to 30,000. The reasons why the population is decreasing are as follows. Zoos and organizations have begun to protect them, and exhibits are being shown at events.

Impact of climate change

One example is the impact of climate change. It is said that the areas where polar bears can live will decrease with global warming. It is predicted that two-thirds of the world’s polar bears could become extinct by 2050.

Starvation due to lack of food

There is also the possibility of starvation due to lack of food. It has been suggested that global warming may change the areas in which the seals and fish that feed on animals are active, making it difficult to secure food in nearby areas. Lack of nutrition is said to reduce the reproductive rate of adult females and increase the mortality rate for cubs and young bears, putting their future in jeopardy.

Can polar bears be bred?

Polar bears live in extremely cold regions and are ferocious, so they are not suitable for human care.


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