We will explain the characteristics, ecology, and habitat of reindeer. The reindeer is the only antlered deer that can be seen in zoos around the world and lives from the arctic to the subarctic regions. It is also distributed in the boreal regions of North America, such as Alaska and Canada, and several subspecies are known.
What is reindeer? About basic status
Reindeer is an animal of the genus Reindeer, of the mammalian class Cetacea and the deer family. Tunakkay means Ainu, and the English name is “caribou”. The scientific name is Rangifer tarandus. The body length is 120 – 230 cm, shoulder height is 90 – 150 cm, and the weight is 60 – 300 kg. It can run at 80km/h. They are adapted to live around the cold regions of the tundra. Mainly it has a strong Christmas image.
Japanese(和名) | トナカイ |
English(英名) | Reindeer/Caribou |
scientific name(学名) | Rangifer tarandus |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、 Cetartiodactyla、Cervidae、Rangifer 哺乳綱、鯨偶蹄目、シカ科、トナカイ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | VULNERABLE |
Length(体長) | 120 – 230cm |
Weight(体重) | 60 – 300kg |
About classification
There is actually more than one species of reindeer. There are many subspecies. According to Wikipedia, the following variants exist:
- Rangifer tarandus tarandus
- Rangifer tarandus caribou
- Rangifer tarandus fennicus
- Rangifer tarandus granti)
- Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus
- Rangifer tarandus pearyi
- Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus
Source : Wikipedia
About reindeer habitat
Reindeer are found in Northern Europe, such as Norway and Finland, and in the Siberian region of Russia. They are also found in North America, such as Alaska and Canada. Even in the summer, the same species can be seen walking around in search of food. In Europe, they are often kept as livestock.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Reindeer have large hooves that are suitable for living in cold regions, making it easy to walk on snow. Reindeer can actually swim. You can cross rivers and lakes. The coat color ranges from black to white. Female horns are smaller and simpler in shape than males. The antlers grow in the spring and fall off in the fall and winter. Reindeer can run at speeds of 60 to 80 km/h, so they are sometimes used by humans for transportation.
What will your personality look like?
Reindeer have a docile personality and do not bark like dogs. They are insightful and somewhat thoughtful. Reindeer are used to living in groups because they migrate in large numbers in spring and autumn in groups in the north. On average, they walk long distances, and large groups of males and females can often be seen. They are also recognized by children as animals that work together with Santa Claus.
What is the ecology of reindeer?
Reindeer eat plant-based foods, such as tree roots, bulbs, leaves, grasses, and stems. They are polygamous and the breeding season is from September to November. Males form harems to compete for females. The gestation period is 210 to 240 days, and one to two puppies are born at a time. They reach sexual maturity in about 2 years. Lifespan is 10 to 15 years.
What are reindeer’s natural enemies?
Their natural enemies include wolves, lynx, and brown bears, but since they can run at speeds of 80 km/h, they are not easily caught.

Are reindeer an endangered species?
Reindeer are listed as an endangered species. The reasons for the decline in population are as follows. Three subspecies are already extinct, so they are in a very critical situation.
Deforestation continues in North America
Reindeer habitat is being taken away due to deforestation and environmental destruction. In North America, reindeer in the Queen Charlotte Islands and East Greenland have become extinct. Many populations are in decline and require urgent conservation action.
Also considering artificial introduction
As a result, information has confirmed that the population has declined by 40% over the past 25 years. For this reason, we are considering introducing it to areas where reindeer are not distributed. It seems that they are considering introducing it to the only island that only has animals, such as the British territory of South Georgia.
Can reindeer be kept?
Reindeer are listed as an endangered species. For this reason, they are difficult to obtain in the first place, and it is extremely difficult for the average person to raise them.