What kind of animal is a chimpanzee? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. Multiple groups of males and females can be seen at the zoo. Among the existing primates, they are the most closely related to humans and have the advantage of being able to use tools dexterously just like humans. However, they are unfortunately classified as endangered species.
What is a chimpanzee? About basic status
Chimpanzees are great apes classified in the genus Chimpanzee, in the order Mammalia, order Primates, and family Hominidae. The scientific name is Pan troglodytes. The body length can be 70 – 80 cm and the weight can be 30 – 50 kg. The list of information is as follows. Males are larger than females.
Japanese(和名) | チンパンジー |
English(英名) | Chimpanzee/Common chimpanzee/Robust chimpanzee |
scientific name(学名) | Pan troglodytes |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、Primate、 Hominidae、Pan 哺乳綱、霊長目、ヒト科、チンパンジー属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | ENDANGERED |
Length(体長) | 70–80cm |
Weight(体重) | 30-50kg |
About classification
The following subspecies of chimpanzees exist:
名前 | English Name | Scientific name(学名) |
チェゴチンパンジー | Central chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes troglodytes |
ナイジェリアチンパンジー | Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes ellioti |
ケナガチンパンジー | Eastern chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii |
ニシチンパンジー | Western chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes verus Schwartz |
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Chego chimpanzees live in northern Angola, Gabon, southeastern Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea (continental region), and the Central African Republic. The skin on the body and limbs is black. The whole face is black.
Pan troglodytes ellioti
The Nigerian chimpanzee is a chimpanzee that can only be found in Cameroon and Nigeria, and its population is limited.
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Chimpanzees live in western Uganda, northern and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, western Tanzania, eastern Central African Republic, Burundi, southwestern South Sudan, and Rwanda. It is also called the woolly chimpanzee or the eastern chimpanzee.
Pan troglodytes verus Schwartz
It is called the western chimpanzee or the masked chimpanzee. Distributed in Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, southern Senegal, and southwestern Mali.
About habitat
Chimpanzees live primarily in Africa.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Chimpanzees have a very high learning ability and are able to use tools such as hammers dexterously on the same level as humans. They live in groups of several to 20 individuals and are active during the day. At night, they rest on tree beds made of twigs and leaves. They prefer mountainous areas and tropical rainforests, and their home ranges can reach hundreds of square kilometers.
What is your personality like?
Chimpanzees are not shy even when they meet someone for the first time, and they quickly get to know each other. They also tend to live in groups and are highly disciplined animals.
What is the ecology like?
Chimpanzees are omnivorous, eating mainly leaves and fruits, but also seeds, flowers, leaves, bark, honey, insects, wild boars, monkeys, duikers, hyraxes, squirrels, and many other things. The gestation period is 227 to 239 days and sexual maturity occurs 8 to 11 years after birth. The lifespan is said to be around 60-70 years.
Are there any natural enemies?
Chimpanzees’ natural enemies are larger carnivores such as leopards and lions. There are other humans too.

Are chimpanzees an endangered species?
Chimpanzees are animals designated as endangered species. When CITES came into force in 1975, it was listed on CITES Appendix II, and in 1977, the chimpanzee genus was listed on CITES Appendix I, so international trade is severely restricted. Their habitat is being destroyed due to deforestation and development, and they are also being overhunted for food.
Can chimpanzees be kept as pets?
As mentioned above, chimpanzees are designated as an endangered species and are also listed in the Washington Convention, so international trade is strictly restricted. Therefore, breeding them is extremely difficult. We recommend viewing them at zoos and events. If you have time, please take a look at the facility information.