What kind of animal is the African dormouse? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. It is a type of animal native to Africa that can be kept like a hamster, and is very popular as a pet because it is very cute. It is an arboreal animal, and is agile because it can move by sticking its flat body to the tree.
What is the African Dormouse? Basic Stats
The African dormouse is a rodent classified in the Mammalia, Rodentia, Sciuridae, Dormouse family. Its scientific name is Graphiurus spp., and its English name is Dormouse. Its body length is only 6cm, and it weighs only about 10g. Its tail length is 4-5cm. The list of information is as follows.
Japanese(和名) | アフリカヤマネ |
English(英名) | Dormouse |
scientific name(学名) | Graphiurus spp |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、Rodentia、 Gliridae、Glirulus 哺乳綱、齧歯目、ヤマネ科、ヤマネ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 6cm |
Weight(体重) | 10g |
As its name suggests, the African dormouse is widely distributed in Africa and mainly lives in the temperate zone. It is currently one of the most popular small animals in Japan.
What are its characteristics? What kind of creature is it?
The African dormouse looks like a hedgehog or a flying squirrel. Its fur is brown and gray-brown on the back. Its body is similar to that of a mouse, and its tail is covered with long hair. It looks like a small hamster, and has a distinctive squirrel-like tail. It is a nocturnal animal, and is very agile with excellent athletic ability. It is an arboreal animal, and can move by sticking its flat body to trees.
What is its personality like?
The African dormouse is very cautious and timid, and will often run away if you suddenly approach it. It is important not to scare it, and if you want to keep it as a pet, you will need to take time to close the distance.
What is its ecology like?
The African dormouse catches insects and eats nuts, grains, seeds, etc. It reproduces viviparously. It has a gestation period of one month, breeds in gaps, and can give birth to 3-5 pups at a time. Its lifespan is three years, and there is a record of it living in captivity for eight years.
Do they have any natural enemies?
The natural enemies of the African dormouse are carnivores such as weasels, dogs, and cats.

Is the African dormouse an endangered species?
The African dormouse is not an endangered species. Therefore, it is distributed mainly in Africa and can be seen in zoos.
Can you keep an African dormouse as a pet?
The African dormouse can be kept as a pet, but it is quite difficult to obtain. If you notice anything unusual, please visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. If you are keeping it as a pet, it is recommended that you take care of it with health in mind. Recently, this category, such as ferrets, has become popular.
How much does it cost to sell?
The selling price of animals in Japanese yen is about 10,000 to 20,000 yen. However, since there are very few animals in circulation, it is not easy to obtain them. It may be best to consult with the zoo staff about what they are managing and take them in rather than buying them from a pet shop.
A cage is essential
A cage is essential. It needs to be about 30 x 50 cm in size because it is very active. A running wheel is essential and it moves around a lot like a hamster. Prepare a bottle-type waterer. Also, having a house where you can hide your body as a sleeping place can reduce stress. Wooden flooring is safe. When opening the cage door, be careful not to let them escape.
About food
There is no food specifically for African dormice. Small hamster food can be used instead. If you cannot find food, they will eat small insects such as mealworms every day, so it is a good idea to feed them a new set. Once they get used to it, you can feed them their favorite fruits, which will make them more accustomed to you. It is a good idea to buy them at the store.
They do not learn to use the toilet
African dormice are not very intelligent, so they will not learn to use the toilet even if you train them. The smell of their excrement is relatively strong, so moderate cleaning is essential. Rodents also have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives. Therefore, you should provide them with chew sticks, etc.