What kind of bird is a shoebill? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This African bird is also very popular at zoos. It is also known as a “stationary bird,” and because it stands still, it looks like a figurine. Let’s learn more about this bird.
What is a shoebill? About basic status
The shoebill is a bird classified in the order Pelecanidae, family Shoebill, and genus Shoebill. The scientific name is Balaeniceps rex, and the kanji is “Balaeniceps rex”. The body length is 110-140cm, the wingspan is 230-260cm, and the weight is 4-7kg. Males weigh an average of 5.6 kg, which is larger than females (average 4.9 kg). If you pay attention to them in the wild and observe their behavior, you will notice that they do not take any action, but remain standing all the time. They do not move on the surface of the water and wait for a long time to catch their prey.
Japanese(和名) | ハシビロコウ |
English(英名) | Shoe-billed Stork / Whale-headed Stork |
scientific name(学名) | Balaeniceps rex |
classification(分類) | Ave、 Pelecaniformes、Balaenicipitidae 、Balaeniceps 鳥綱、ペリカン目、ハシビロコウ科、ハシビロコウ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | VULNERABLE |
Length(体長) | 110-140cm |
Weight(体重) | 4-7kg |
About classification
The mainstream theory was that shoebills were included in the order Storks. There have been various theories regarding the classification of shoebills, but recent advances in DNA analysis have revealed that they are closely related to pelicans. Others say they are similar to herons. The shoebill’s scientific name comes from the Latin word meaning “whale-headed king.”
Where is its habitat?
Shoebills live in tropical areas from South Sudan to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania. There are many areas in the east.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Shoebills are well known as “stationary birds.” One beak is large like that of a dinosaur. Its plumage is bluish-gray and it flies very well. They mainly live in wetlands, swamps, and surrounding grasslands, and they stay still all the time. By staying still and not making any noise, they make it easier to catch food. Shoebill storks are nocturnal, and during the day they often rest among grasses such as reeds and papyrus.
What is your personality like?
Basically, shoebills live near water, where there are crocodiles and catfish, and they are very solitary animals. Therefore, they are not very social and do not play around with other dogs. In addition, there are many mysterious animals that require more research.
What is the ecology like?
The shoebill’s prey consists of insects and fish such as lungfish and polypterus, but it also eats frogs and snakes. During breeding season, pairs engage in displays such as cluttering and bowing. They lay 2-3 eggs at a time. The incubation period is about 30 days, and sexual maturity takes about 3 years. Lifespan is 30 to 40 years.
Are there any natural enemies?
Their natural enemies are large birds such as vultures. Predators can sometimes lose sight of birds that remain stationary for several hours over a large area.

Is the shoebill an endangered species?
The shoebill is listed as an endangered species. International trade is also regulated by the Washington Convention and is very strictly controlled. He is popular among humans and has become a hot topic of discussion, and there are many videos and photos available on the Internet. Famous events are also held at zoos and other places.
Deterioration of habitat
The biggest problem is the deterioration of the shoebill’s habitat. Their population is decreasing due to water pollution and destruction of their nests due to being trampled by livestock. Hunting for meat, eggs, and chicks are also carried out. The estimated population is said to be around 10,000 birds.
Can shoebill storks be kept?
As explained above, the shoebill is designated as an endangered species. Furthermore, international trade is severely restricted by the Washington Convention, making it extremely difficult for the general public to keep them.