This page provides information about the characteristics, ecology, classification, distribution, and habitat of red pandas. Red pandas are bred and kept in zoos and live in mountain forests. They are very cute and popular animals. Their fur is long and soft, and they are even used to make dolls. They are quite popular, but they are actually an endangered species.
What is a red panda? About basic status
The red panda is a mammal in the genus Ailurus and family Ailurus in the order Carnivora. Its scientific name is Ailurus fulgens. Its body length is 50-65cm and it weighs 3-6kg. It is also known as the bear cat. Many people mistake it for a wild giant panda or raccoon, but it is a different species. It has a habit of standing up, which is said to be cute.
Japanese(和名) | レッサーパンダ |
English(英名) | Lesser Panda / Cat-Bear / Red Panda |
scientific name(学名) | Rangifer tarandus |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、 Carnivora、Ailuridae、Ailurus 哺乳綱、食肉目、レッサーパンダ科、レッサーパンダ属 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | ENDANGERED |
Length(体長) | 50~65cm |
Weight(体重) | 3~6kg |
About classification
The Red Panda genus is actually not just one species. There are many subspecies. The following subspecies exist. There are no major differences in the head, front legs, hands, bones, ears, etc. There are many wild pandas on land in Sichuan Province and other areas, and they are often seen behaving well, which makes them the news.
Name (名前) | Academic Name (学名) | Habit (生息地) |
nepal red panda ネパールレッサーパンダ | Ailurus fulgens fulgens | Northeastern India, Nepal, Bhutan インド北東部、ネパール、ブータン |
Shisen Red Panda シセンレッサーパンダ | Ailurus fulgens styani | China, Myanmar 中国、ミャンマー |
About the habitat of the red panda
Red pandas can be found in India, China, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Red pandas have short limbs, but each has five fingers and retractable claws. The fur is long and soft, and the limbs and abdomen are dark brown. The tail is quite long and bushy. They are rather nocturnal, often resting in trees during the day. Red pandas are good climbers and can even climb down from trees upside down using their sharp claws. My eyesight and hearing are poor.
What will your personality look like?
Red pandas are originally carnivorous animals and have a ferocious and strong temperament. They basically live alone and have a very strong sense of territory. They are not very cooperative and can get very angry, so it is difficult to interact with them. Red pandas are mammals and have long body hair, and can be seen in bamboo forests.
What is the ecology of the red panda?
Red pandas live on bamboo shoots, insects, acorns, bamboo, eggs, grass, fruit, and nuts. They eat a lot. The breeding season is from January to March, and the gestation period is about four months. The baby reaches sexual maturity at about 18 to 20 months. It is said that they live for about 15 years.
What are the red panda’s natural enemies?
Enemies of the red panda include snow leopards, leopards, eagles, hawks, and wolves. They have natural enemies not only on land but also in the air.

Is the red panda an endangered species?
Red pandas are listed as an endangered species. Furthermore, it is listed in Appendix I of the Washington Convention, and international trade is severely restricted. The estimated global population is only 10,000. The reasons for the decline in population are as follows.
poaching and overfishing
Poaching and overfishing are on the rise. Hunting for pets or for their fur is a particular problem, and the reality is that their population is decreasing year by year.
habitat loss
Environmental destruction is a problem in China. Furthermore, rapid land development in Southeast Asia has been occurring since the 2010s, and the number of places where red pandas can live is rapidly decreasing.
Conservation activities starting in each country
A red panda anti-poaching unit and community-based surveillance have been established in Langtang National Park. Since 2010, community-based conservation programs have been launched in 10 districts of Nepal. We are also protecting and monitoring red panda habitat in other parts of Nepal.
Can red pandas be bred?
Red pandas have a ferocious personality and are designated as an endangered species, so it is extremely difficult for the general public to keep them.