What kind of animal is a kangaroo? We will explain its characteristics, ecology, and habitat. This animal is very famous in Australia and you can definitely see it at the zoo. They have excellent jumping ability, and their hind legs are much stronger than other animals. I will explain the details.
What is a kangaroo? About basic status
Kangaroos are marsupial mammals that belong to the order Diprodontidae and family Macropodidae of the class Mammalia. Depending on the subspecies, kangaroos can grow to be 60-100cm long and weigh 7-15kg. Their scientific name is Macropodidae. A list of information is below. They are the most well-known species among humans and many live in the wild.
Japanese(和名) | カンガルー |
English(英名) | Capybara |
scientific name(学名) | Macropodidae |
classification(分類) | Mammalia、Diprotodontia、 Macropodidae 哺乳綱、双前歯目、カンガルー科 |
IUCN Status(保全状況) | LEAST CONCERN |
Length(体長) | 60 – 100cm |
Weight(体重) | 7-15kg |
About classification
There are many subspecies of kangaroo. The following is a quote from Wikipedia. There are so many subspecies that I can’t list them all. It consists of the genus Tree-kangaroo, Dorcopsis, Himedorcopsis, Rabbit-wallaby, Kangaroo, Tsume-wallaby, Rock-wallaby, Quokka-wallaby, Thrush-wallaby, and Black-tailed wallaby.
- Dendrolagus bennettianus ベネットキノボリカンガルー Bennett’s tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus dorianus ドリアキノボリカンガルー Doria’s tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus goodfellowi セスジキノボリカンガルー Goodfellow’s tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus inustus ゴマシオキノボリカンガルー Grizzled tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus lumholtzi カオグロキノボリカンガルー Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus matschiei アカキノボリカンガルー Huon tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus mbaiso シロハラキノボリカンガルー Dingiso
- Dendrolagus pulcherrimus コンジキキノボリカンガルー Golden-mantled tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus scottae スコットキノボリカンガルー Tenkile
- Dendrolagus spadix クリイロキノボリカンガルー Lowlands tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus stellarum セリキノボリカンガルー Seri’s tree-kangaroo
- Dendrolagus ursinus クロキノボリカンガルー Ursine tree-kangaroo
- Dorcopsis atrata クロドルコプシス Black dorcopsis
- Dorcopsis hageni セスジドルコプシス White-striped dorcopsis
- Dorcopsis luctuosa ハイイロドルコプシス Gray dorcopsis
- Dorcopsis muelleri オオドルコプシス Brown dorcopsis
- Dorcopsulus macleayi ヒメドルコプシス Macleay’s dorcopsis
- Dorcopsulus vanheurni ヤマドルコプシス Small dorcopsis
- Lagorchestes asomatus ヒメウサギワラビー Lake Mackay hare-wallaby(絶滅種)
- Lagorchestes conspicillatus メガネウサギワラビー Spectacled hare-wallaby
- Lagorchestes hirsutus コシアカウサギワラビー Rufous hare-wallaby
- Lagorchestes leporides ウサギワラビー Eastern hare-wallaby(絶滅種)
- Macropus agilis スナイロワラビー Agile wallaby
- Macropus antilopinus アカワラルー Antilopine kangaroo
- Macropus bernadus クロワラルー Woodward’s wallaroo
- Macropus dorsalis セスジワラビー Black-striped wallaby
- Macropus eugenii ダマヤブワラビー Tammar wallaby
- Macropus fuliginosus クロカンガルー Western grey kangaroo
- Macropus giganteus オオカンガルー Eastern grey kangaroo
- Macropus greyii シマワラビー Toolache wallaby(絶滅種)
- Macropus irma クロテワラビー Western brush wallaby
- Macropus parma パルマヤブワラビー Parma wallaby
- Macropus parryi エレガントワラビー Pretty-faced wallaby
- Macropus robustus ケナガワラルー Wallaroo
- Macropus rufogriseus アカクビワラビー Red-necked wallaby
- Macropus rufus アカカンガルー Red kangaroo
- Onychogalea fraenata タヅナツメオワラビー Bridled nail-tail wallaby
- Onychogalea lunata ミカヅキツメオワラビー Crescent nail-tail wallaby(絶滅種)
- Onychogalea unguifera スナイロツメオワラビー Northern nail-tail wallaby
- Petrogale assimilis ニセイワワラビー Allied rock-wallaby
- Petrogale brachyotis コミミイワワラビー Short-eared rock-wallaby
- Petrogale burbidgei バービッジイワワラビー Monjon
- Petrogale coenensis クーエンイワワラビー Cape York rock-wallaby
- Petrogale concinna ヒメイワワラビー Nabarlek
- Petrogale godmani ミミナガイワワラビー Godman’s rock-wallaby
- Petrogale herberti ハーバードイワワラビー Herbert’s rock-wallaby
- Petrogale inornata ジミイワワラビー Unadorned rock-wallaby
- Petrogale lateralis ワキスジイワワラビー Black-flanked rock-wallaby
- Petrogale mareeba マリーバイワワラビー Mareeba rock-wallaby
- Petrogale penicillata オグロイワワラビー Brush-tailed rock-wallaby
- Petrogale persephone プロサーパインイワワラビー Proserpine rock-wallaby
- Petrogale purpureicollis パープルイワワラビー Purple-necked rock-wallaby
- Petrogale rothschildi アカイワワラビー Rothschild’s rock-wallaby
- Petrogale sharmani シャーマンイワワラビー Mt. Claro rock-wallaby
- Petrogale xanthopus シマオイワワラビー Yellow-footed rock-wallaby
- Setonix brachyurus クアッカワラビー Quokka
- Thylogale billardierii アカハラヤブワラビー Tasmanian pademelon
- Thylogale browni ブラウンヤブワラビー Brown’s pademelon
- Thylogale brunii コゲチャヤブワラビー Dusky pademelon
- Thylogale calabyi カラビーヤブワラビー Calaby’s pademelon
- Thylogale lanatus ヤマヤブワラビー Mountain pademelon
- Thylogale stigmatica アカアシヤブワラビー Red-legged pademelon
- Thylogale thetis アカクビヤブワラビー Red-necked pademelon
- Wallabia bicolor オグロワラビー Swamp wallaby
- Lagostrophus fasciatus シマウサギワラビー Banded hare-wallaby
Source : Wikipedia
Difference between kangaroo and wallaby
I have introduced the classification above, but there is a difference between kangaroos and wallabies. Kangaroos and wallabies are both members of the kangaroo family. So what’s the difference? It’s body size. A “wallaby” is a species with a body length of 25 to 75 cm and an average weight of less than 25 kg. Anything larger than this is called a kangaroo.
Why do kangaroos fly?
Why do kangaroos fly? Kangaroos can jump long distances by using their leg tendons like springs. This allows for efficient movement. As for why they fly, it is said that kangaroos originally used their front legs as well. However, it gradually became difficult for them to find food nearby, and they began to have to travel longer distances. And I learned how to fly. This allows it to travel further. Instead, the front legs degenerated.
About habitat
Kangaroos are endemic to Australia. Kangaroos can be seen in mainland Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. They can be seen active in large natural grasslands.
feature is? What kind of creature is it?
Kangaroos have well-developed hind legs, and from birth they hop from head to toe, using their thick tails to balance. This is a rare form of locomotion among large mammals, and hopping has been seen in fossils dating back 20 million years. Red kangaroos can jump at speeds of up to 70km per hour. They can also travel long distances, sometimes traveling up to 100km per day during mating season.
What is your personality like?
Kangaroos are naturally nervous and tend to live in groups. Therefore, they are very social and follow the rules together with their friends. They have a very timid personality, so if you are breeding them, please be aware that it will take quite a while to get used to them.
What is the ecology like?
Kangaroos live on a diet of grass, insects and leaves. As with other marsupials, they breed in a pouch, where they raise their young until they are big enough. During breeding season, males compete for females and engage in activities such as boxing. The gestation period is about one month, and they live for 15 to 20 years. As they are a wild marsupial, they raise their almost immature young inside their mother’s womb. They are raised even more carefully than humans until they actually grow up.
Are there any natural enemies?
In fact, due to the structure of their bodies, kangaroos can only move forward. Therefore, they have the problem of not being able to move backwards. They have multiple natural enemies, such as dingoes, and their young are especially targeted. Mothers have the habit of managing their young in a pouch to protect them from everything from food to life. It is necessary to be careful in daily life.

Are kangaroos an endangered species?
Kangaroos have many subspecies that are classified as endangered species. It is also listed in the Washington Convention, and international trade is strictly restricted. The main reason for this is habitat destruction. Conservation efforts have begun.
Can kangaroos be kept as pets?
Kangaroos are very difficult to keep as pets. Because they travel a very long distance in a day, it is extremely difficult to raise them unless you have a large area of land. Therefore, it is not a realistic choice. Big events are held at zoos, etc., so it’s a good idea to ask someone to guide you.